Washington : Afghanistan Ambassador to the US, Said Jawad said Friday regional factors will determine whether Afghan security forces are ready to take over security responsibility following the US troop surge.
“We are ready to take full responsibility of the security in Afghanistan,” said Jawad in a statement. He highlighted that while Afghan security forces are already fighting alongside US and allied troops, but “they are not strong enough to take over unassisted”.
“There is a shortage of skills and equipment, and we welcome the additional resources to accommodate the faster building and strengthening of our security forces,” Jawad said.
Additionally, Jawad said the Karzai government is working to fight government corruption and improve governance.
Jawad said the Afghan government plans to hold three upcoming conferences in January, including one in London, aimed at enhancing cooperation and security; in Kabul, which will focus mainly on finalizing two new compact between Afghanistan and neighboring countries and international partners; and a third in Tokyo, aimed at raising aid funds for the country.
Additionally, Jawed pointed to Pakistans as a major determining factor in the fight against militant extremists.
“One cannot separate the safety and security in Afghanistan from stability in Pakistan, or lack of stability in Pakistan.” Jawad said. Adding, “We would like the government of Pakistan to expand their operations in targeting Taliban leaders” who are attacking NATO, US and Afghan forces in Afghanistan.