New Delhi: Designer duo Parvesh-Jai, known for their resort wear collection, are all set to showcase their bridal wear line at the upcoming Bangalore fashion week (BFW) July 23-26.
The duo will showcase their label “Raasleela”, that caters to Indian ethnic and bridal wear, on the inaugural day of the BFW.
“The collection is targeted at brides hence the line has a delightful range of saris, lehengas to cater to every occasion. The wedding season is just a few months away and this is the right time to come up with this colourful yet elegant range,” Jai told IANS.
Terming his collection ‘different’, Parvesh said: “We have blended international colours with the intricate craftsmanship of India. This makes it very different and very special at the same time.”
“You will see colours like purple and beige in our line. People normally don’t wear such colours at weddings but we believe in doing something different. We are sure people will appreciate our attempt as well as our collection,” he added.
The duo has used a lot of georgettes, chiffons and nets with intricate designs and loads of embellishments in their bridal wear line.