Bhopal: Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan Sunday voiced his opinion against Star Plus’s controversial reality show “Sach Ka Saamna”, saying that the programme was “not in the interest of our society”.
Talking to reporters outside the venue of an official function, Chouhan said: “The programme is not in the interest of our society and I am personally against its airing. Anything and everything for the sake of earning money is not correct.”
On whether the state government would ban its telecast, Chouhan said: “Legal opinion would be sought in this matter.”
A Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) legislator, Dhruv Narain Singh had July 24 in the state assembly demanded banning the telecast of the reality show in the state, describing it as against Indian culture and dignity of women.
BJP spokesperson Umashankar Gupta also supported the demand, saying undignified questions were being asked from women contestants during the programme and its impact was bad on Indian families.