New Delhi : Congress leader Meira Kumar Tuesday filed her nomination for the post of Lok Sabha speaker. Her nomination, proposed by United Progressive Alliance chairperson Sonia Gandhi, leader of the Congress in the house Pranab Mukherjee, leader of opposition L.K. Advani of the Bharatiya Janata Party and most other parliamentary party leaders, is likely to be unanimous.
Meira Kumar, accompanied by Mukherjee, submitted her nomination at the Lok Sabha secretary general’s office.
“Meira Kumar’s nomination for the post of Lok Sabha speaker has been submitted,” Lok Sabha Secretary General P.D.T. Achary told IANS.
Meira Kumar, a Dalit leader and five-time MP, will become the first woman in the coveted post. She was chosen for the post by the United Progressive Alliance (UPA) Monday and resigned from the post of union minister of water resources.
The formality of the election is slated for Wednesday.
“We have submitted the nomination. Her (Meira Kumar) named was proposed by Soniaji and I seconded it,” Mukherjee told reporters after Meira Kumar filed her nomination. He also read out a long list of proposers that included leaders of most political parties in the Lok Sabha.
Union Minister for New and Renewable Energy Farooq Abdullah and DMK leader T.R. Baalu also accompanied Meira Kumar when she went to file her nomination.