Muslim leaders condemn Salman Khursheed’s statement on reservation for Muslims


New Delhi: Reacting sharply to the statement made by union state minister for minority affairs Mr. Salman Khursheed that reservation is not the only means to solve Muslims’ economic problems, Muslim leaders unanimously condemned it saying that Muslims need and deserve the reservation.

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Commenting on Salman Khursheed’s statement, the Imam of Masjid Fatehpuri, Dr. Mohammad Mukarram Ahmad said, “This is on account of reservation that backward people are visible today in every department.”

Rejecting the objection that no reservation could be given on the basis of religion, he said, “After all, the lower castes included in race for progress through reservation also belong to one religion or the other.”

He expressed his satisfaction on the efforts of Muslim organizations, movements and NGOs to uplift the community.

“Muslims are doing every bit possible and Muslim organizations, movements and NGOs are guiding and helping them, but government should ensure reservation for Muslims on ground it has been offered to backward castes because Muslims condition is worse than Dalits” he said.

Taking part in motion to thank to president for her joint address JUH leader and Rajya Sabha member Maulana Mahmood Madani said, “We do not demand reservation for Muslims on the basis of religion but why can they not be given reservation on the basis of their backwardness?”

He demanded revision of reservation policy to ensure justice and equality for all, especially the deprived people.

“True democracy, proper justice, correct values and acceptable reconstruction are not possible in India unless equal opportunities and equal share is not given to all” he added.

Expressing anguish over Mr. Khursheed’s statement, the general secretary of All India Milli Council Dr. Manzoor Alam said, “The minister is not aware of suffering of the community to which he belongs. Allusion to Muslim quota in Karnataka, Kerala and Andhra Pradesh should not be hidden from him” he said.

“The minister’s statement is negating Prime Minister’s statement that Muslims have first claim to country’s resources”, Dr. Manzoor added.

He also demanded government to take immediate steps for implementation of recommendations made by Sachar Committee and Mishra Commission.”

Abdul Khaliq, the spokesman of Lok Jan Shakti Party said, “My party feels that minister’s words have swamped 20 crore strong minority’s hopes.”

Recalling Congress Party’s pre-polls pledges for granting reservation to Muslims, he said, “Other states have already granted reservation to Muslims.” Lok Jan Shakti Party has demanded the government to place Action Taken Report in parliament for wholesome discussion.

In Bhopal, Nazim of Jamia Mhammadiya Bagh Maulana Mohammad Qasim said in a press note, “No Indian government can prosper by excluding Muslims.”

Criticizing government’s laziness in helping Muslims in education, trade and employment, he demanded “In accordance with their population, grant 20 per cent reservation to Muslims before bringing Women’s Reservation Bill in parliament.”