New Delhi: The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) said Friday it had registered cases against two former chairmen of the Kandla Port Trust (KPT) for allotting land to a private firm at very low rates in contravention of the guidelines.
“Cases were registered against G.L. Bhagat and Janardan Rao and a private party,” said CBI spokesman Harsh Bhal.
The agency said one of the official is presently working as managing director of the Indian Ports Association in New Delhi.
“The allegations relate to allotment of land to a private firm at very low rates in contradiction to the existing guidelines and instructions of the government of India. It has also been alleged that allotment was cancelled once but was again restored as part of conspiracy after imposing a minimal penalty,” he said.
The CBI said raids have been conducted at various residential and official premises of the accused men and companies. During these searches, large number of incriminating documents have been recovered.