Want a piece of Gandhi? Get his specs for Rs.450


New Delhi : For those not particular about the original, the replicas are readily available. So, those anxious for a piece of Mahatma Gandhi memorabilia can snap up his glasses for Rs.450, his watch for Rs.800, his nail cutter for Rs.250… the list goes on.

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That’s some of the rate list on display at the website of the National Gandhi Museum, the country’s largest repository of the original relics of the Father of the Nation.

The costliest copy is of the Dandi March walking stick is Rs.900, followed by his pocket watch at Rs.800. Duplicates of his entire set of inkpot, pen and pencil could be bought for Rs.700. Copies of the spectacles and leather sandals are available for Rs.450 each.

The least expensive are replicas of his nail cutter at Rs.250 and wooden spoon at Rs.200.

But a senior museum official says they have run out of copies, with new replicas yet to be manufactured.

Not surprisingly, there was a demand from other regional museums and also institutions looking to spread Gandhi’s message.

“Most of the copies are made of fibreglass, except for things like his slippers,” said museum director Varsha Das.

At a recent meeting in February, the directors of the regional Gandhi museums had asked for replicas. “At the meeting, the other directors had asked for new replicas as the old ones were falling apart. So, we are planning to get new copies made,” she said.