UN Sec Gen asks for “immediate, permanent” end of Gaza seige


United Nations : Secretary General of United Nations Ban Ki-moon here Wednesday asked for putting an immediate and permanent end to inhumane siege of Gaza Strip.

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Ki-moon said, “The entire Gaza passages should be opened aimed at providing a remedy of the ailing Palestinian economy.”

He reiterated, “The situation at the Palestinian side of the border passages is truly intolerable and it is necessary that Israel should alter its policy regarding the passages into a more lenient one.”

Simultaneous with Ban Ki-moon’s Wednesday comments in that respect, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency in occupied Palestine, the UNRWA, referring to Israel’s lingering strict siege of Gaza, said that the situation there remains as it was in the past, with no slight difference.

The UNRWA reiterated that in order to forward the required minimum living standards to Gazans both Israel and Egypt should permit 600 trucks fully loaded with humanitarian aides to that strip, while during the course of the past week merely 700 such trucks were permitted to enter Gaza, which is next to none.

The UN organ has stressed that even the United Nations International Children’s Fund (UNICEF) convoy, carrying T-shirts for students of 50 schools in Gaza Strip has been barred from entering Gaza!

According to UNRWA, Israel’s siege of Gaza is so sever that even entering washing detergent to Gaza Strip is strictly forbidden!