CPI-M manifesto promises end to tax concessions for corporates


New Delhi : The Communist Party of India-Marxist (CPI-M), in its manifesto for the Lok Sabha polls, termed the Congress and the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) as pro-rich and in a strong stand against corporates proposed stopping further tax concessions to them.

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The CPI-M, the country’s biggest Left party, also slammed the main opposition BJP for pursuing communal policies. It promised alternative economic policies and promotion of secularism.

The manifesto, unveiled by party general secretary Prakash Karat, promises that it will increase the annual Plan Expenditure amounting to 10 percent of India’s current GDP.

It promises launching of a drive to unearth black money, “especially those stashed in Swiss Banks and other off-shore havens”.

It has assured expansion of Minimum Support Price coverage to more crops, reintroduction of the Public Distribution System (PDS) and reduction in the retail prices of petrol and diesel by cutting customs and excise duties on oil.

Enactment of a comprehensive law against communal violence was promised and also cracking down on organisations involved in spreading communal hate and attacking minorities through appropriate legal measures.

It also proposed that “Governors should be appointed by the president from a list of three eminent persons suggested by the chief minister of a state.”

On Jammu and Kashmir, the manifesto proposed “a political solution to the Kashmir problem based on maximum autonomy for the state based on the full scope of Article 370 of the Constitution; autonomous setup to be created with the regions of Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh being given regional autonomy.”

The CPI-M advocates revamping of the intelligence machinery and enhanced co-ordination between security and intelligence agencies to deal with the threat of terrorism.

It also emphasises on the “modernisation of the police forces, strengthening of the coastal security system.”

It promises an independent and non-aligned foreign policy and amending the Constitution to make legislative sanction mandatory for any international treaty.

For the welfare of the workers, the manifesto promises strictest implementation of all labour laws, improved legislation of unrecognised sector workers and equal remuneration for women workers in all areas of work.

The CPI-M promises the enactment of Women’s Reservation Bill to ensure one-third reservation for women in the legislatures and stringent action against untouchability and atrocities against scheduled castes.

For the minorities, the CPI-M has proposed an Equal Opportunity Commission with adequate powers and formulation of a sub-plan for the Muslim minorities on the lines of tribal sub-plan in order to implement the Sachar Committee recommendations.

The CPI-M also promises employment guarantee to be extended to cover all adults and for as many days as demanded.