Lucknow : Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) president and Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Mayawati Friday said that she does not believe in releasing a party manifesto, and instead issued “an appeal” to voters highlighting the achievements of her 22-month-old government.
The 32-page appeal to the electorate of Uttar Pradesh, released at a press conference here, read: “The Bahujan Samaj Party is the only party in the country which believes in doing and not just in making promises, which is why our party does not issue election manifestos.”
Reading more like a list of achievements of her government, the appeal aims at urging the Uttar Pradesh voter not to get carried away by “false promises” of other parties.
Signed by Mayawati, president of the party, it also calls upon the electorate not to vote for the Congress or the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).
“Please do not vote for the Congress, the BJP or their allies. Instead, you should vote for the BSP to help us build an equitable society – which is the ultimate goal of our party,” the appeal points out.
The appeal is similar to the document released by her on BSP founder Kanshi Ram’s 73rd birth anniversary in New Delhi.
She lays emphasis on the BSP’s modified ideology which now talks of taking into its ambit the “wellbeing of all castes without confining itself to the interest of Dalits alone”.