Ghaziabad : Gandhigiri has landed a 65-year-old man, who claimed to have contested the presidential elections in 2007, in police custody. Attired as Mahatma Gandhi, Mahesh Chaturvedi had been distributing pamphlets and pasting posters here asking people to boycott elections, till he was arrested Friday.
Chaturvedi, dressed as Mahatma Gandhi, had been distributing pamphlets and pasting posters during the last few days asking people to boycott the elections. “Do not cast vote – boycott of the election is a must” the posters read, station officer of the Kavi Nagar police station Gajendra Singh said.
Chaturvedi said he had been wrongly arrested. “In democracy every citizen has right of speak,” Chaturvedi maintained.
Chaturvedi claimed to have contested the 2007 presidential election. He said his name was proposed by four members of the parliament.
“The police acted like the police of British regime,” Chaturvedi said.
According to the police, no person shall print or publish election pamphlets or posters which do not bear the name and address of the printer and publisher. In Chaturvedi’s posters there is no indication of the name and address of the printer and publisher.
“Chaturvedi has been booked under section 127 (A) of Public Representative Act of 1951,” Singh said.