New Delhi : The Supreme Court Friday sought a response from Rashtriya Janata Dal MP Rajesh Ranjan alias Pappu Yadav on a plea by a Communist Party of India (CPI) worker seeking cancellation of his bail.
A bench of Justice S.B. Sinha and Justice Asok Ganguly issued notice to Yadav on the plea by CPI worker Ravindra Nath Singh, challenging a Patna High Court decision on Feb 18, 2009 granting the MP bail, pending its decision on his appeal against his conviction for the murder of CPI legislator Ajit Sarkar.
Yadav, along with former independent Bihar legislator Rajan Tiwari, were among three people sentenced to life imprisonment Feb 14, 2008 by a Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) court in Bihar for Sarkar’s murder.
Sarkar, the firebrand CPI leader, who had a running feud with Pappu Yadav over issues related to farm labourers, was gunned down along with driver Harendra Sharma and party worker Ashfaqur Rehman, at Subhash Nagar in Purnia town June 14, 1998.