By News Desk,
New Delhi: In view of the deliberate confusing statement by RSS Sangh Sarchalak Mohan Bhagwat regarding Babri Masjid case in court, ex-MP and convener of Babari Masjid Movement Coordination Committee (BMCC) Syed Shahabuddin has urged the UPA Government in the Centre to “make a clear and emphatic public statement, preferably on the floor of the Parliament, that the Government is bound by the Constitution to implement the final judicial verdict.”

Mohan Bhagwat in an interview to India Today weekly said there is no case related to the land of Babri Masjid. He has also rejected the idea of a Masjid along with a Mandir in Ayodhya.
Referring to the interview, Syed Shahabuddin said: “Sri Bhagwat has invented a ‘non-existing case’ pending for 90 years. On the other hand he ignores the title suit which is currently in the last stage of hearing by the Special Bench of the Allahabad High Court, since 1996 and which is about to be decided.”
“In expressing opposition to ‘a Masjid in Ayodhya’ Sri Bhagwat rejects the Supreme Court ruling for the construction of both a Masjid and a Mandir in the Acquired Area,” former diplomat and the tallest figure on Babri issue Syed Shahabuddin said. He requested Sri Bhagwat “to disclose his plans about the scores of Masjids and Dargahs which exist in Ayodhya and of graveyards which lie within the Municipal limits.”
“The BMMCC would like to inform Sri Bhagwat that the Muslim Community has repeatedly committed itself to accept the final judicial verdict on title to the disputed site. No Hindu leader has made any such commitment which would serve the majesty of the law. Perhaps Sri Bhagwat supports the stand of the VHP and the Ram Janam Bhumi Nyas that they would accept the judicial verdict if it is in their favour, and not otherwise. The BMMCC requests Sri Bhagwat to clarify the stand of the Sangh Pariwar that if the title suit is decided already in favour of the Muslims, they will not interfere with the reconstruction of Masjid on the disputed site in accordance with the ruling of the Supreme Court. But Sri Bhagwat has obviously decided to defy the Supreme Court.”
“The BMMCC requests the Government to take note of the Sangh Parivar’s stand and make a clear and emphatic public statement, preferably on the floor of the Parliament, that the Government is bound by the Constitution to implement the final judicial verdict.”
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