Less information on sex, but Indians satisfied: survey


New Delhi: Indians don’t get much advice and information on sex, but they fully enjoy their sex lives, says a survey.

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Among the 26 countries that were part of the online Durex Sexual Wellbeing Global survey, Mexicans are the most contented lot.

About 80 percent Mexicans agree that “there is enough advice and information to enjoy one’s sex life to the full”.

On Indians, the survey said Monday: “..It reveals that 82 percent of men and women in India feel they have sufficient information to enjoy their sex lives to the full and are satisfied with their sexual wellbeing.”

However, only 52 percent Indians surveyed said there is “enough” advice and information available on sex.

Interestingly, among the list of top 12 countries – where people said they have enough information about how to enjoy their sex lives – India figures nowhere.

After Mexico, the other countries where people expressed satisfaction with the level of information were Spain (76 percent), Brazil (74 percent), South Africa (66 percent), Canada (65 percent), Netherlands (65 percent), US (62 percent) and France (62 percent).

The survey also showed that most Indians rely on their friends (59 percent) for sexual knowledge, followed by magazines (58 percent).

The internet is also one of the major sources of information among those who have received sex education (60) and who have not (46).

Books are another major source of information for Indians.

School sex education is quoted as a major source of information by only four out of 10 (43 percent) of those who received it, and the guidance given by parents by just 18 percent.

Indians who received formal sex education in school said that it covered some areas of knowledge more thoroughly, 58 percent of them said they learned about pregnancy, while 54 percent said they got information on HIV and AIDS.

But the flipside to sex education is that 30 percent said they did not learn anything about the emotional aspects of sex.

“And it is the emotional aspects – which may include love, respect and the shared enjoyment of giving pleasure to one’s partner – that the highest proportion of Indians (41 percent) think their formal sex education has missed out on the most,” the survey said.

The survey said 48 percent Indian women wanted more focus on the emotional aspect. Men are not far behind, with 42 percent men also highlighting it.

Around 46 percent of those aged 16-24 said they would have liked more information, as was the same percentage among 35-44 year olds surveyed.

About 26,032 people participated in the survey in 26 countries, including Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, Italy, India, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, Russia, Spain, South Africa, the UK and the US.

“The findings of this survey highlight the importance of young people and adults receiving a well-rounded education in sexual wellbeing that takes in both the emotional and physical elements of love-making,” the survey quoted sexual health expert Kevan Wylie.

“The results are particularly pertinent, showing as they do that those who have received their sex education in recent years feel very similar to the generation before them, and the bottom line is that the more you know and understand, the greater your confidence, ability and likelihood to enjoy your sex life to the full.”

Anna Valle, head of the Durex global marketing, said: “Our earlier research found that having a fulfilling sex life contributes to a person’s overall sense of wellbeing and general health”. The survey is fourth in the series.

Durex is an international condom manufacturer.