Czech court postpones parliamentary elections

By RIA Novosti,

Moscow : The Czech Constitutional Court has postponed the country’s early parliamentary polls scheduled for October 9-10 after a complaint by a member of parliament, the Czech radio reported.
The court ruling on Tuesday followed a complaint by an independent MP, Milos Melcak, who alleged that the early polls were a violation of his right to serve out his term of office.

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Czech President Vaclav Klaus described the ruling as an unprecedented and an “entirely political” measure that would affect the country’s political system. He also pledged effort as soon as possible to find a way out of Tuesday’s political deadlock.
Mirek Topolanek, leader of the Civic Democratic Party, the country’s largest right-wing movement, warned of the potential negative consequences of the ruling on both the country’s political system and its struggle against the ongoing economic crisis.

Cyril Svoboda, who leads the Christian Democrats, a center-right party, urged the prompt replacement of the incumbent government, designed to run the country for nine months until early elections.
The parties were unanimous in their call for the Constitutional Court to resolve the matter as soon as possible.