Dalit dies after cops’ assault, mob beats up police officer


Allahabad : Hundreds of people blocked traffic and beat up a police official in Uttar Pradesh’s Allahabad district Thursday to protest the death of a Dalit man after he was allegedly beaten by police during a routine vehicle check Wednesday night.

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Inspector B.B. Tiwari suffered serious injuries when the mob beat him up. He is in hospital.

A case of murder has been lodged against four policemen allegedly responsible for the death of the Dalit, identified as Nandlal.

“A case under Section 302 (murder) has been registered against Inspector Shail Kumar and 3 constables who were on duty at that time. The matter is being probed,” Additional Director General of Police (Law and Order) Brijlal told reporters.

According to reports, Nandlal was returning from a relative’s village on a motorcycle when the police stopped him.

Munshilal, a relative, alleged: “I was accompanying him. An inspector called Shail Kumar stopped us. He demanded money from us and on our refusal, some constables accompanying him started beating Nandlal with sticks, and he died.”

However, the police denied the claim.

“In a bid to escape the police, the motorcycle slipped and Nandlal fell into a ditch adjacent to the road. It is probably due to the injuries that he died,” Shail Kumar claimed.

The post-mortem examination report, released Thursday evening, revealed that the deceased had consumed alcohol before the incident and the body bore no ante-mortem injury marks.

However, Deputy Inspector General Chandra Prakash told IANS: “The matter will be probed and those found guilty will be punished. Besides, action will also be taken against those who attacked and injured the policeman.”

Meanwhile, the accused cops are yet to be suspended as the charges against them are yet to be proved.