New Delhi : Prime Minister Manmohan Singh Wednesday said that those “challenging the authority of the Indian state” will not be given any quarter even as he admitted that Maoist insurgency is the result of under-development.
“No quarter can be given to those who have taken upon themselves to challenge the authority of the Indian state and the fabric of our democratic polity,” the prime minister said, inaugurating the Civil Services Day here.
Reiterating that Maoist insurgency in mineral-rich central India was the “gravest internal security threat”, Singh said: “We cannot overlook the fact that many areas in which such extremism flourishes are under-developed and many of the people, mainly poor tribals, who live in these areas have not shared equitably the fruits of development.
“It is incumbent upon us to ensure that no area of our country is denied the benefits of our ambitious developmental programmes,” he said.
Referring to the April 6 massacre of 76 security personnel by Maoists in Chhattisgarh’s Dantewada district, Singh said: “I have mentioned time and again that leftwing extremism is, perhaps, the gravest internal security threat that we face. Recent events have underscored the need for urgent and considered action to root out this problem.”