Lucknow: The Uttar Pradesh government has dumped the National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC) and opted for Hindustan Bajaj for setting up a 1,900 MW thermal power project in the state’s backward Bundelkhand region.
A memorandum of understanding (MOU) was signed between Hindustan Bajaj and the state government here Thursday, following “dilly-dallying” by the NTPC on the issue, Energy Minister Ramveer Upadhaya told media persons.
He blamed the NTPC for not taking the desired interest in pushing power generation of Uttar Pradesh.
“We had given NTPC the go-ahead for setting up the proposed 1,900 MW project in Lalitpur, but they were refusing to concede our demand for giving us at least 75 percent of the power generated there,” Upadhaya said.
“NTPC refused to give us anything beyond 50 percent of the generation, and here is Hindustan Bajaj ready to part with 90 percent of the power generated by them,” he added.
Having targeted commissioning the plant latest by 2015, the minister said the government hoped that the plant would go a long way in taking the state out of its power woes.