Ghaziabad : A Ghaziabad court Friday issued a bailable warrant against influential Uttar Pradesh politician D.P. Yadav in the case of attempted killing of the main witness in the Nitish Katara murder case. His son Vikas Yadav has been convicted and sentenced to life imprisonment for the Katara murder.
The warrant, issued by the chief judicial magistrate’s court, asked police to bring Yadav and two others, including witness Ajay Katara’s former wife, before the court June 1. The warrant followed after the three did not appear in the court on the summons issued to them.
Ajay Katara (no relation to Nitish Katara) lodged a case July 11, 2007, alleging Yadav and five of his henchmen attempted to kill him by administering poison in an eatable.
On his complaint, the Sahibabad police registered a complaint and submitted a charge sheet against four of the accused – Nand Kishore Yadav, Yatendra Nagar, Anuj Sharma and Manoj Sharma. D.P.Yadav’s lawyer argued that the case against Yadav and Salim Khan, earlier named in the FIR, had been withdrawn but police denied this.