Thiruvananthapuram : The Kerala government Wednesday ordered a probe into forged letters sent on behalf of the chief minister and the home minister to federal Home Minister P. Chidambaram in connection with the promotion of 15 state police officials.
State Home Minister Kodiyeri Balakrishnan said a top police official will probe the matter.
The forged letters sent last week in the name of Chief Minister V.S. Achuthanandan and Balakrishnan asked Chidambaram not to consider giving the Indian Police Service cadre to the state police officials.
“Since the letter was addressed to the centre, we have asked them to make a probe. We will also inquire on what happened,” said Balakrishnan, talking to reporters.
Thiruvananthapuram Police Commissioner M.R. Ajith Kumar has been asked to conduct a detailed probe in the matter.
The forged letters, now in possession of the media, said that the union home ministry need not consider granting IPS cadre to 15 state police officers till March 31 next year because nine IPS officials currently on deputation to central government will be shortly returning to the state service, leaving no vacancies.
While Kerala police officials retire at an age of 55, any official who is elevated to the IPS cadre by the central government, on state government’s recommendation, gets another three years of service.