New Delhi : The Delhi High Court Thursday restrained the removal of Delhi Metro’s outdoor advertisements by the Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD).
The court also asked the Delhi Metro to submit a report every four months before the MCD which has been demanding a share in the revenue collected from the advertisements.
The tussle between Delhi Metro and the MCD over the sharing of revenue from hoardings has been continuing for the last many years.
The MCD claimed that the outdoor advertisements put up by Delhi Metro were in violation of the civic law which prohibits public advertisements without the municipal commissioner’s permission.
The Delhi Metro refuted the MCD claim saying that the union cabinet permitted it to display advertisements on its property. It also argued that the MCD had no right to demand revenue or regulate advertisements put up on its property.
The MCD has been issuing notices to Delhi Metro to remove all advertisements and hoardings from pillars and bridges.
The MCD said that the law allows it to have 50 percent share in the revenue of the advertisements.
According to law, the MCD is entitled to 50 percent share of the revenue from advertisement when public land is used commercially by any entity.