Chennai : The ruling DMK party in Tamil Nadu Tuesday urged the central government to desist from actions that infringe upon the state’s rights and expressed opposition to the Goods and Services Tax (GST) and combined medical entrance examinations.
The party also urged the central government to take initiatives for the rehabilitation of the Internally Displaced Tamils in Sri Lanka.
Resolutions to this effect were passed at a meeting of the party’s MPs chaired by Chief Minister M. Karunanidhi here.
DMK is part of the Congress-led United Progressive Alliance’s (UPA) at the centre.
Expressing opposition to the GST, the DMK said: “In a large country like India, a uniform tax structure would result in several hurdles and would affect the small scale sectors.”
Welcoming Union Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee’s announcement that GST will not be implemented without the consent of all the states, the party strongly urged the centre to desist from taking actions that would infringe upon the state’s rights in respect of taxation and education.
The party also resolved that the centre should permanently abolish combined entrance exams.
Faulting the Sri Lankan government for not rehabilitating the Internally Displaced Tamils in their respective habitats, the MPs said the former is acting against the Indian government’s views on their early resettlement.