Ex-Pakistani generals question US soldiers presence in country


Islamabad : Former Pakistani army generals have expressed serious concern over the presence of American solders in the country’s northwest remote and asked the government to tell the nation real facts.

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Three US soldiers were killed and two others injured in bomb attack in Lower Dir in Pakistan’s northwest, which also killed a Pakistani paramilitary soldier and four schoolgirls.

The US embassy says that the American soldiers were in Pakistan for imparting training to the paramilitary force “Frontier Corps”.

Former Army Chief, Mirza Aslam Beg said that the government has tried to conceal real facts about the Americans activities in Dir district.

He did not agree with the government’s notion that the Americans were imparting training to the Frontier Corps.

He said that the ‘Blackwater Special Operational Group’ is still operating in Pakistan and they have not even left Pakistan as has been claimed by the government.

Ex-Director Military Intelligence, General Amjad Shoaib rejected claim by the Interior Minister, Rehaman Mailik that there is no Blackwater in Pakistan.

He said the government should tell the nation as to what the US soldiers had been doing in Lower Deer.

He said that the US suspicious activities had reached to risky point and it is duty of the government to prevent the US plans in the country.

He added that slain US Army personnel had been appointed in the area with an agenda and they were helping the US in drone attacks.

“They are keeping an eye on the nuclear assets of the Pakistan”.

Ex-president of Institute of Regional Studies, Major General (Rtd) Jamsheed Ayaz said that facts about the presence of US Army personnel must be explained to the nation.