Kolkata: West Bengal Chief Minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee Thursday ticked off state Home Secretary Ardhendu Sen and Director General of Police Bhupinder Singh for speaking in different voices about Monday’s Maoist attack in West Midnapore’s Shilda.
“It’s unfortunate that there were two different views between two senior state government officials,” he said.
“I called both of them today (Thursday) and told them if they had any differences of opinion, they should have solved it within themselves,” Bhattacharjee told reporters here.
A public disagreement between Sen and Bhupinder Singh surfaced Wednesday as the two gave two different versions about the probe into Shilda Maoist massacre.
While Sen said the government would probe if there was any lapse on the part of the security men posted at the camp, Singh contradicted him by saying no disciplinary step was being initiated.