Shimla : Panic gripped this Himachal Pradesh capital Thursday when a leopard was spotted strolling in areas adjoining the Mall, an official said. The animal was later trapped by the wildlife wing.
“After receiving information this (Thursday) morning that the leopard attacked a man, we reached the spot. After three hours of searching, we traced it in the wild bushes,” Divisional Forest Officer (DFO) Rajesh Sharma told IANS.
“The animal was tranquilised with the help of a cartridge-propelled rifle. As the leopard got hit by the tranquiliser shot, it ran towards the houses and wandered into a home where it became unconscious,” he said, adding that “the animal could have come from Jakhoo forest area which surrounds the city”.
The one-and-a-half-year old wild cat was later taken to a rescue centre near the city.
“To ensure its safety, we took the animal to the rescue centre where it would be kept for observation and treatment. After a few days, it will be released in the wild,” an official said.