RSS hidden agenda behind steps against Madani: PFI

By TCN News,

Kozhikkode: The Popular Front of India has termed actions against Abdunnasir Madani, chairman of People’s Democratic Party, as part of RSS hidden agenda. “It’s the RSS hidden agenda that is working behind the Karnataka Police’s move to arrest Abdunnasir Madani, connecting him with Bangalore serial blasts,” alleged PFI.

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While the Hindutva organizations and its leaders are being held for blasts occurred in different parts of the country, the BJP government of Karnataka is trying to change that image by arresting Muslim leader, Madani in a blast case, said P Abdul Hameed, General Secretary, Popular Front of India, Kerala State.

Hameed said involvement of Hindutva organisations and activists in blasts has embarrassed the RSS a lot. In the cases like Malegaon, Nanded, Mecca Masjid and Ajmer blasts the investigation agencies went after Muslim youths at the initial stage but later the Hindutva organisations involvement in these blasts was exposed and the investigating agencies have already arrested members of Hindutva organisations. To change the focus from hindutva organisations involvement in terror activities the RSS is trying to arrest Madani in Bangalore serial blasts case, said Abdul Hameed.

He also alleged that to frame a person in this case only on the basis of confessions of other accused that are in the police custody, was nothing but the abuse of judicial system. Madani was arrested and put behind bars without trail for 10 years with the help of Jayalalitha government of Tamil Nadu when she was the part of NDA at centre; the fascist forces are trying to repeat the same tactics with assistance from the Karnataka BJP Government. Popular Front leader demanded all parties and groups to come forward against this blatant injustice.

Madani’s name has been included in additional charge sheet of Bangalore blast case along with other culprits on Saturday. PDP chairman has reportedly alleged that he was implicated in the case by certain vested interests in the IB. “At the same time, I would try and get anticipatory bail,” he has been quoted as saying.

Meanwhile, the state home minister and DGP have denied the reports about the letter from Karnataka police demanding help from Kerala counterparts to arrest Madani.