By Abdullah Boqus, KUNA,
Kuala Lumpur : The Philippines is preparing to celebrate its new President on Wednesday after the 15th elected Pilipino President and the successor of Gloria Arroyo, Benigno Aquino took the oath before members cabinet, parliament and the country’s representatives.
Dressed in yellow, supporters of Aquino, the son of former president Corazon Aquino, attended the celebration of the president who won May’s elections with five million votes separating him from ousted president Joseph Estrada.
Some believe that the fact that Aquino is the son of Corazon, who put an end to the authoritarian regime of president Ferdinand Marcos back in 1986 played a strong role in electing her son president especially after Corazon died of cancer last year which brought a strong wave of sympathy and empowered the liberal party.
The current president swore he would maintain the country’s economic, security, and social stability, fight corruption, present nationals with more job opportunities, attain to their needs, sue those refusing to pay taxes and clear the authority’s image.
As for Aquino’s predecessor, Arroyo, some analysts say that her reign witnessed an economic and investment boost while others accuse her of corruption and mistreating military bodies as the latter survived four attempts to oust her and four military coups.