New Delhi : Home Minister P. Chidambaram Tuesday said the probe into the Pune bombing was on the “right track” and cautioned against complacency, calling for “greater vigilance” to thwart possible attacks.
The home minister also ruled out any possibility of the Pune terror strike probe being handed over to the National Investigating Agency (NIA). The case is being investigated by the Anti-Terrorist Squad (ATS) of Maharashtra Police.
“There is no decision to hand over the investigation to the NIA. The probe is on the right track and we need to be a little more patient,” Chidambaram said while presenting the ministry’s monthly report.
Home ministry officials said the government was awaiting a probe report of the ATS on the Pune blast, which left 17 people dead. The report is expected shortly.
The home minister said the Feb 13 blast in Pune’s German Bakery, a popular eatery near the Osho Ashram, was the first major terror act in the past 14 months.
He said forensic experts have lifted nearly 70 DNA samples from the scene of explosion and were trying to link them with those who had either been killed or were injured.
He said the peaceful 14-month period was “rudely interrupted by the bomb blast” despite intelligence alerts having been issued on Sep 19, Oct 10, Dec 7 and 12, 2009.
He said the security was enhanced around the bomb site but “despite these measures, the bomb was successfully exploded”.
“There is the danger of a terror-free year inducing complacency, signs of which can be seen everywhere. A strange passivity seems to have descended upon the people,” he said.
“I would like to once again caution against complacency and advise greater vigilance. Shops, establishments, businesses, schools, colleges, hospitals and, above all, the people must be ever vigilant and take measures that will complement the measures taken by the police to provide security.”