New Delhi: Whether by accident or design, Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader M. Venkaiah Naidu’s attempted a turn of phrase that generated much mirth in the Rajya Sabha Thursday when he warned Minister of State Shashi Tharoor that his “twitting” would lead to his “quitting”.
“What is this twitting? Too much twitting will lead to quitting,” Naidu said while participating in the discussion on the motion of thanks for the president’s address to the joint session of parliament.
What Naidu, of course, meant was “tweeting” but then, that would not have rhymed with “quitting”.
The minister of state for external affairs had been the subject of controversy over certain comments he had made through his account on Twitter, a social networking tool.
He has over 669,000 followers on his twitter account, which he had opened during his campaigning for his parliamentary constituency.
Tharoor had first faced controversy over remarks, which were interpreted to be critical of the government’s austerity programme. Later, he was lambasted for being critical about the government’s change in visa policy and talking about the need to be more welcoming to foreigners on twitter.