New Delhi : The Delhi High Court Friday ordered the grant of Permanent Commission in the Indian Army and the Indian Air Force (IAF) to over 50 women officers who had accused the government of discrimination vis-a-vis their male counterparts.
A division bench of Justices S.K. Kaul and M.P. Garg also ordered the reinstatement of all Short Service Commission women officers who retired and approached the court seeking Permanent Commission in the forces.
The court, in its 32-page order, directed the government to reinstate those officers who retired while the case was being heard.
Short Service Commission officers serve for a maximum of 14 years while male officers granted Permanent Commission can be in the forces up to the age of 60, depending on the rank they rise to.
An elated Rekha Pali, counsel for the women officers, cried: “It’s a big victory for all of us!”
Women officers hailed the decision.
Wing Commander Rekha Aggrawal, who served in the IAF from 1995 to 2009, said: “I am very glad now. I will again join the office. I want to serve my nation.”
“Our three-year-long battle has finally become fruitful. The court has finally understood the disparity that women officers in the army face,” Major Seema Singh added.
Major Singh praised the passage of the women’s reservation bill in the Rajya Sabha and said that Friday’s judgement “will also boost the morale of women”.
Women are currently eligible for Permanent Commission only in the medical, nursing and dental services of the armed forces. They are eligible for Short Service Commission in the services as in support arms of the armed forces.
Currently, 5,137 women officers serve in the armed forces. They include 4,101 in the Indian Army, 784 in IAF, and 252 in Indian Navy. This includes women granted Permanent Commission in the Army Medical Corps, the Army Dental Corps and their equivalents in the other two services as also in the Military Nursing Services.
In the army, women serve in support arms like the Corps of Signals, Army Ordinance Corps, the Corps of Electronic and Mechanical Engineers, and the Army Service Corps.
In the Indian Air Force, women are inducted in all streams barring the fighter stream. In the Indian Navy there are restrictions on posting women officers aboard ships and submarines.
Most militaries worldwide induct women but only a few allow them to perform active combat roles. Among these countries are Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Norway and Switzerland.
Countries like Britain and Israel allow women to serve in combat arms positions like artillery roles but exclude them from infantry units. The US allows women in most combat flying positions.