Now cafes in monument premises for tourists during CWG


New Delhi : Going all out to make Delhi experience a wholesome one for tourists during the Commonwealth Games and beyond, the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) has decided to allow setting up of cafeterias in their protected areas near monuments.

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On the second day of the Delhi Tourism Conclave Friday, Rina Ray, managing director of the Delhi Tourism and Transportation Development Corporation (DTTDC), said that the ASI has agreed to set up canteens and cafeterias around various heritage structures in the next couple of months.

“The joy of wining and dining against the backdrop of a beautiful heritage structure is unparalleled, as is seen in other countries. The ASI has recently agreed to allow cafes to be opened around monuments, which will be a big attraction for tourists,” Ray said.

With the Games less than 200 days away (Oct 3-14), this initiative and others, Ray said, are being worked upon by the Delhi government for the benefit of tourists.

“The Delhi government is looking at installing sculptures, art work, murals and paintings at the airport and railway stations,” Ray said.

“While some of these public art will be temporary like art work and sculptures, others like murals will obviously be permanent. This has been especially worked upon keeping the Commonwealth Games in mind,” she added.

In their bid to do away with touts and middlemen, who are often found exploiting unsuspecting tourists, Ray said that they will soon be starting a round-the-clock helpline and also upload information on booking hotels and taxis and the like on their website.

Emphasising that they must be more “tech savy”, Ray said that they will register themselves in social networking sites like Facebook for easy accessibility.

“Also, a month before the games begin, there will be cultural festivals and music programmes at various places in Delhi and special programmes for disabled children, basically something like a mini Commonwealth Games fiesta,” Ray said.

“We are also thinking of a new campaign for Delhi. Since the word Delhi comes from the Arabic word Dehleej or gateway, we are thinking of something to the tune of Delhi-the gateway to India,” she added.