Dora the Explorer says no to exam stress


New Delhi : It’s exam time again and kids are overwhelmed with stress, facing sleepless nights, revision stress and tension. But popular Nicktoon Dora the Explorer is reaching out to kids with tips to bust the stress.

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A schoolgirl herself, Dora gives the following simple rules to conquer dreadful exams:

Manage time wisely: Give yourself plenty of time to work on your studies if you want to do well, and you can save yourself a lot of stress if you plan ahead. Set up a study schedule and break up your studies into smaller bits.

Don’t just worry, take action: If you don’t understand some of your course material, getting stressed out won’t help. Instead, take action by seeing your teacher or asking your classmates to help you understand the problem.

Take a break: As soon as you notice you are losing concentration, take a short break, just like Dora would! Go for a walk, talk to a friend or just listen to music. You will feel refreshed and able to concentrate on your revision again.

Food matters: Eating healthy makes all the difference. Food rich in vitamins and proteins, such as green, leafy vegetables and fresh fruits, are a must. The nutrients will help your brain stay sharp.

Blankety blank: If your mind goes blank, don’t panic. It just makes it harder to recall information. Instead, focus on slow, deep breathing for a minute. If you still can’t remember the information move on to another question and return to this one later.

Play is as important: Make sure that you build in time to have fun and relax in between study sessions. Run around the park and be part of some fun and frolic. This will definitely help you stay smart and focused.

“And finally, stay calm and happy! You will succeed with flying colors,” says Dora. “All the best.”