Thumbs up for Sonia Gandhi’s charm in silk sari


New Delhi : Congress president Sonia Gandhi’s dark blue silk sari, dangling earrings and hairstyle at the prime minister’s private dinner for the US first couple has impressed many, including designers.

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From her hairdo, the colour of her sari to her drop earrings – Sonia Gandhi, 63, looked a tad more glamorous than her usual self and is receiving accolades galore.

Veteran designer Leena Singh of Ashima-Leena fame says Gandhi struck the right note with her sari.

“What she wore for the dinner was a true projection of the Gandhi family. Usually she wears dull and subtle colours, but I would say that by wearing a bright colour, she represented India for what we (Indians) are – very vibrant,” Singh told IANS.

Designer Vijay Arora felt her outfit was “within the framework of what she usually wears”, but he pointed out that her hairstyle added a change to her face.

“I especially liked the fact that she left her hair open and pinned it up, unlike her usual pony-tail look,” he said.

Noida-based fashion designer Deepa hopes Gandhi’s look revives the love for silk saris among the youth.

“We all like dressing up for occasions, and Mrs. Gandhi’s attire was a pleasant surprise. It was a traditional silk sari, very well defining the rich Indian heritage. It may well start a new trend. I am sure many will think of taking out their silk saris out of the muslin bags,” she said.

It’s not only the designers who took notice and appreciated Sonia Gandhi’s appearance, others too praised her looks.

“When we saw the Obamas dancing (at Holy Name High School in Mumbai), most of my friends wished that Indian leaders should also be confident of mixing freely with the people. But then came the totally different look of Sonia Gandhi, and wow, I loved her earrings,” said Sara Sharma, a student of Delhi University’s Kamla Nehru College.

Shabnam Ara of Delhi’s Jamia Millia Islamia University said: “Her sari was pretty different, in contrast with the usual dull stuff she wears. I specially liked the jewellery – so unlike the simple look she carries most of the time.”

Amit Rajan, a 26-year-old IT professional, feels Sonia Gandhi is one of the prettiest women in the country.

“Mrs. Gandhi was looking very pretty and different, the sari went very well with her charm. She is one of the prettiest women in India without doubt,” he said.