New Delhi: A Delhi court Monday extended, by three days, the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) custody of T.S. Darbari and Sanjay Mohindroo, two key aides of Commonwealth Games Organising Committee chief Suresh Kalmadi.
“The court has extended their (Darbari and Mohindroo) custody by three more days,” a CBI official said.
The two officials, who were suspended after the Queen’s Baton Relay scam surfaced earlier this year, were arrested Nov 15 and were in the CBI’s custody since then.
The CBI has also registered two cases against Darbari and Mohindroo, London based private firms AM Car and Van Hire Ltd and AM Films UK Ltd, the firm’s director Ashish Patel and CWG director Raj Singh.
The organising committee is understood to have paid AM Films, an Indian-owned firm, over 450,000 pounds for services during the Queen’s Baton Relay function in London in October 2009 allegedly without following proper tendering procedures and paper work.