New Delhi: Power Minister Sushil Kumar Shinde Monday said the aggregate losses of state-run transmission and distribution (T&D) companies for 2010-11 is expected to be Rs.68,643 crore.
“As per the thirteenth finance commission report, the aggregate loss of state T&D utilities at 2008 tariff for 2010-11 has been projected as Rs.68,643 crore,” said Shinde in a written reply to the Rajya Sabha.
According to Shinde, the financial projections assume a reasonable reduction in transmission and distribution losses in each state.
Shinde further said the projection is exclusive of the subsidies extended by the state governments to the utilities.
“These losses may reduce if tariff is rationalized in the ensuing years,” Shinde further said.
According to the available financial records for 2008-09, Rajasthan accounted for Rs.7,831 crore in losses followed by Tamil Nadu at Rs.7,382 crore, Uttar Pradesh Rs.6,540 crore, Madhya Pradesh Rs.3,124 crore and Andhra Pradesh Rs.3,013 crore.
The losses to T&D companies take place on many accounts like loss of electricity during transmission, tampered meters and theft.