Thiruvananthapuram : Ahead of the local bodies poll in Kerala later this month, the Congress Tuesday said the Left Democratic Front (LDF) government had utilised only Rs.1,784 crore of the total annual plan outlay of Rs.10,025 crore for this fiscal.
According to former chief minister and leader of opposition Oommen Chandy, the four-and-a-half years of the ruling Left government had been miserable.
“The only gain is for the CPI-M (Communist Party of India-Marxist) and that too not politically but financially. They spoke about a corruption-free government and are now neck deep in corruption. They had the full support of the centre and funds were not a problem, but they never had the will to perform,” Chandy told reporters.
Discussing the actual implementation of central projects, Chandy said that as on Aug 31 this year, the total annual plan for this fiscal was pegged at Rs.10,025 crore but only Rs.1,784 crore had been utilised.
“Likewise, the government had promised Rs.2,197 crore for local bodies this fiscal and have given just Rs.265 crore. For central schemes to be implemented by the local bodies, the state was given Rs.4,276 crore but utilisation was a mere Rs.654 crore. For 13 flagship projects, a sum of Rs.2,048 crore was given and they have used just Rs.614 crore.”
Kerala holds local bodies poll Oct 23 and 25.
Chandy was confident that the Congress would do well. “Kerala has gone back many years due to the Left rule.”
The last time the local bodies poll was held in 2005. All five corporations in the state are governed by the Left Democratic Front (LDF). Besides, 11 of 14 district panchayats, 33 of 53 municipalities, 114 of 152 block panchayats and 688 out of 984 gram panchayats are also ruled by the LDF.