India’s employment market improved in September: Monster


New Delhi : The job scene in India improved in September as employers returned to the recruitment market in substantial numbers after the summer lull, leading online career and recruitment solutions provider Monster India said Thursday.

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It said job opportunities increased in 12 out of 13 cities in September. Except Banglore, all the cities reported positive mid-term growth.

Monster said its employment index rose five points (four percent) in September as online recruitment activity rebounded from eased levels of the prior summer months. The index was 123 points in August.

Out of the 27 industries monitored by Monster, 21 showed month-on-month growth trends. The 11 sectors that exhibited positive six month growth rates in August index continued to track positive medium term growth in September.

“The longer-term trends in the index continue to track the country’s economic expansion, with a rise in hiring for sectors like IT, ITES, Engineering, Construction, Iron and Steel; Healthcare, Automotive suggesting continued strength in business activity,” said Sanjay Modi, managing director (India, Middle East and Southeast Asia).

While the real estate sector led the industry sectors in monthly six-month growth with 17 and 83 percent, online jobs in healthcare, pharmaceuticals, bio technology and life sciences rebounded.

Industries such as agro and IT registered notable month on month growth with IT striking a notable 52 percent six-month growth while business processing outsourcing sectors witnessed a six percent growth compared to previous month.

However, job opportunities in the banking, finance and insurance sector contracted by an additional nine percent in September over the August levels.

Other sectors which dipped further included marketing and communications and sales and business development with the later registering 3 percent decline, the steepest decline of the month.

According to Monster, Chennai, which registered 12 percent month on month growth, led the other metropolitan markets in online job growth. Hyderabad followed next with 8 percent.

Job market in Bangalore also exhibited sizeable improvement, growing seven percent over the previous month.