Nadia (West Bengal) : West Bengal Chief Minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee Saturday assailed the Manmohan Singh government for not doing enough to control the rising prices and its policies which have “retarded the growth of India”.
“The Congress government is not at all doing enough to control the price rise. They are giving subsidy to the rich people but are not willing to give subsidy to the poor people.
“Every time they call meeting in Delhi I do attend but the results of these meetings to control price rise is nil. I have told them that do something to provide essentials to the common people at a subsidised rate but they are not willing to do that,” Bhattacharjee said, addressing a CPI-M party rally at Krishnanagar area of this West Bengal district.
The Left parties have been constantly protesting against the rising prices of essential commodities and had alleged that the UPA government’s efforts to tackle the issue are “half- hearted”.