FIR lodged against Imam Bukhari after his aide slapped journalist over Babri

By TCN staff reporter,

Lucknow: An FIR was lodged here today against Delhi Shahi Jama masjid’s Imam Ahmad Bukhari after an Urdu journalist was slapped allegedly by Bukhari’s aides during a press conference that Shahi Imam had called over Babri verdict.

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During the Q&A session, Abdul Waheed, a journalist attached with Urdu daily ‘Dastane-e-Awadh’ asked Imam Bukhari

He also asked him as to why he and other Muslim leaders were now opposing the Allahabad High Court verdict over Babri dispute when they had been saying, they would abide by the court verdict. He also asked him as to why the is challenging it in Apex Court.

At this question, Imam Bukhari and his aides got infuriated and said that the journalist has been purposely sent here to sabotage the press conference. They cried at the journalist and some of the supporters of Shahi Imam slapped him and pushed him out of the conference hall.

After the incident the journalist Waheed approached Hazratganj Police station and got an FIR lodged against Imam Bukhari.

Earlier, addressing the press conference at Gomti Hotel Shahi Imam condemned the Allahabad High Court verdict and announced that he would challenge it in the Supreme Court.