Chennai: Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M.Karunanidhi has sought Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s help in resolving the strike by contract workers in the Neyveli Lignite Corporation Ltd (NLC), warning about likely disruption in power generation.
In a letter to the prime minister, released to the media Friday, Karunanidhi referred to the nearly month-long strike by the contract workers in the central government undertaking, and said: “Their (workers’) main demands include the raising of wages, issues relating to bonus, etc.”
“The representatives of the trade union and the management of Neyveli Lignite Corporation have been participating in the talks held by the labour department officials continuously, but to little avail,” he said.
“The chairman and managing director, Neyveli Lignite Corporation, has been bringing to the notice of the state government that with great difficulties, he is able to ensure that generation of electricity is not affected by this strike,” Karunanidhi said, adding the members of the DMK affiliated union resumed work when the management indicated that it would be difficult to maintain power generation.
“Since the situation has not returned to total normalcy, the continued low turnout of the contract labour is likely to affect generation of electricity and, therefore, an early solution is called for, which would also definitely help the large labour force in the festival season which is fast approaching,” Karunanidhi said.
Karunanidhi’s appeal to the prime minister came two days after AIADMK chief J.Jayalalithaa came out with a stinging statement about the DMK government’s “inaction” on the workers’ strike in the corporation.
She also urged Karunanidhi to use his influence with the central government to resolve the strike.
Contract workers at the NLC are on strike since Sept 19 demanding pay parity with permanent workers and their absorption by the company.