Mumbai: The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) Saturday swooped on the New Delhi-Mumbai August Kranti Rajdhani Express and detected irregularities which led to the suspension of three railway officials, an official said.
Sleuths of the CBI-Anti-Corruption Bureau and the Western Railway’s Vigilance team cracked down on the train following a tip-off that businessmen used to travel unauthorisedly between Surat-Vapi to Mumbai by allegedly bribing the travelling ticket examiners (TTEs).
During its operation, the CBI detected 12 such passengers in the Ist, IInd and IIIrd air-conditioned compartments of the train.
The vigilance team collected a penalty of Rs.19,510 from the passengers.
The CBI found unaccounted cash amounting to around Rs.35,000 from the train superintendent and two TTEs who permitted the passengers to travel without tickets.
The WR Divisional Railway Manager suspended the trio after recommendations of the vigilance department.