World Qods Day an important event for unity of Muslim Ummah: Jawwad


New Delhi:A renowned Indian Shia Scholar on Friday said that by forging unity, Muslims and the other world nations must exert pressure on the Isreal to stop crushing the people of Palestine and forcing it to vacate the occupied lands.

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In an exclusive interview with IRNA, Maulana Syed Kalbe Jawwad, Friday Prayer Leader at historic Asafi Mosque in Lucknow said that by observing the World Qods Day as an important occasion, the entire Muslim ummah can be united.

‘It is indeed a highly sentimental issue for Muslims all over the world’, said Jawwad.

Adding that the World Quds Day is a memorable day in the history of the Palestinian movement, he said that it reminds Arabs as well as other Muslims of their responsibilities toward the problems faced by the Muslim Ummah.

He was of the view that the Muslim countries should practically show their support for the Palestinian cause, more importantly the liberation of First Qibla (the direction that Muslims face while praying), from the clutches of the Isreal.

Referring to Israel atrocities on innocent Palestinians, Shia scholar said that in sheer violation of the United Nations resolutions, human rights conventions and international laws, Israel, led by the US had unleashed atrocities for decades and occupying lands of Palestinians.

Tel Aviv was pushing ahead with its expansionist designs across the Middle East without and hindrance from the leading world powers, more importantly the United States, Jawwad added.

He called upon Muslims all over the world to back Iran against threats of the US and the Zionist regime.

Shia Scholar stressed that the stances of Imam Khomeini (R.A.) on noble Qods should be taken as a strong support for the campaign of the Palestinian people to regain their denied rights.

Replying to a question on the possibilities of the return of the displaced people to their mother land, Indian Scholar said that it is the religious duty of every Muslim to condemn the injustice that is being meted out to the people of Palestine by the Isreal regime, which enjoys the unflinching support of the US government.

He maintained that the Muslim countries must exert its diplomatic pressure on Zionist Regime to observe all United Nations resolutions and vacate Palestinian territories as well as allow refugees to return to their homeland.

He pointed out that it was high time that Muslims got united, sank their petty differences, and identified their enemies under the garb of friends, suggested Jawwad.

Failing with, US will succeed in plan to make Zionist Regime master of the world and to exterminate Palestinian nation. And not only Palestinian nation but all Muslim states will fall prey of US plots, warned Shia Scholar.

While replying to the question of how peace can be achieved in the region, Jawwad emphasized that security and peace can only be achieved by putting an end to the Israel occupation, evacuation of all illegal settlements and establishing an independent Palestinian State .

He also called upon the peace-loving, democratic and anti-imperialist Indian people who believe in justice and human dignity, to come out and protest against this brutal and dastardly attacks on the Palestinian people.

Replying to the question how India can play the role in achieving peace in the Middle East, Indian Shia Scholar had the view that India, being founder member of the Non-Aligned Movement, must use its influence and should exert pressure on Israel to observe all United Nations resolutions and vacate Palestinian territories and stop atrocities on innocent Palestinians, he concluded.

The last Friday of the holy month of Ramadan as always been highly revered, but the decision by Imam Khomeini (R.A.), the leader of the Islamic Revolution and founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran, to designate it Al-Quds Day has added new significance to it.

Muslims throughout the world participate in programs on Al-Qods Day to send a clear message of condemnation for Israel and its allies for the atrocities they have committed against the Palestinians and illegal occupation of the Al-Aqsa Mosque