Thiruvananthapuram : Rains played spoilsport Friday morning in Kerala as Eid-ul-Fitr prayers were hurriedly shifted indoors from open Eidgahs and grounds across the state. But the showers didn’t dampen spirits with large crowds seen at most Eid congregations.
Prayers planned in the state capital were delayed due to the rains while organisers at places like Kochi and Kozhikode had to change the venues as they had booked open grounds.
Eid-Ul-Fitr celebrations were held on a larger scale in Muslim-dominated districts in north Kerala like Malappuram, Kozhikode, Kannur and Kasargode. Muslims account for 24 percent of the state’s 32 million population.
But despite the rains, a large number of Muslims, including women, thronged the morning prayers at several places. Muslim clerics at most places in their speeches stressed the need for condemning terror related activities.
Celebrities too joined in the festive spirit. Malayalam superstar Mammootty, dressed in white ‘mundu’ and shirt and his head covered with a black cloth, was seen at a prayer hall in Kochi and sat through the morning prayers.
The showers also meddled with Eid plans of passengers headed to Kozhikode from Dubai and Abu Dhabi as rheir flights were diverted to Thiruvananthapuram.
Eid is being celebrated in Kerala Friday though most parts of the country will be observing the festival Saturday.