How will the Ayodhya site be divided, asks Sunni board’s lawyer


New Delhi: A senior counsel for the Sunni Central Board of Waqfs (SCBW)Thursday said it is “difficult to understand” the Allahabad High Court’s Ayodhya judgment and wondered how the site will be divided in three equal parts among the parties.

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“It is difficult to understand the judgment. After dismissing the suit, on what basis the judgment has come to distributing the land amongst the three parties. How and on what basis they would divide the land in three parts,” said senior counsel Anoop Chaudhary.

Chaudhary appeared for SCBW in the Supreme Court Sep 28 during the hearing on a petition seeking deferment of the Ayodhya verdict.

A majority ruling of the three-judge high court bench said the Ayodhya site should be divided into three – one for the Muslims, one for the Hindus and the third for the Nirmohi Akhara.

“We will examine the judgment and see where things have not gone in our favour and in what manner it could be dealt with,” he said.

“We have to examine every aspect of it,” he said.

Senior Counsel Mukul Rohtagi, who appeared for former bureaucrat and petitioner Ramesh Chandra Tripathi in the apex court seeking deferment of the verdict, refused to react on the high court verdict.

“No, I don’t want to comment,” Rohtagi said.

On the issue of the disputed site, the high court said it is established that the property in suit is the site of the birthplace of Ram and Hindus in general had the right to worship the idols and objects of worship that existed on the property.