JAC backs Aug 10 Telangana shutdown


Hyderabad : Telangana Joint Action Committee (JAC), comprising political and non-political groups spearheading the campaign for a separate state, has supported the Aug 10 Telangana shutdown called by students JAC.

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JAC convenor M. Kodandaram told reporters Monday that they fully back the shutdown called to demand deletion of clause 14(F) from Presidential Order, which treats Hyderabad as a free zone for police recruitment.

The political JAC comprises Telangana Rashtra Samithi (TRS), Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and other political and non-political groups seeking separate statehood to Telangana.

The Aug 10 shutdown will be the third shutdown either called or supported by JAC during the last one month. The region, comprising 10 districts including Hyderabad, had observed two-day shutdown early last month.

A rival group of students has already threatened to call a two-day shutdown in Telangana on Aug 13 and 14, if the government goes ahead with the test for recruitment of police sub-inspectors without deleting clause 14(F) from Presidential Order.

The government is scheduled to conduct written test for recruitment of SIs on Aug 13 and 14 while Telangana groups have threatened to disrupt the test if held without deleting 14(F) from Presidential Order, 1975, which treats Hyderabad as a free zone for police recruitment.

Chief Minister N. Kiran Kumar Reddy has already made it clear that the test would be conducted with or without clause 14 (F). He says that no posts in Hyderabad will be filled through this test.

He ruled out postponing the test.

The Telangana groups have been demanding the central government to immediately delete clause 14(F) so that Hyderabad is brought under Zone VI to ensure that only people from Hyderabad and five other Telangana districts are eligible for police recruitment.

Andhra Pradesh assembly last year passed a resolution, urging the central government to delete the controversial clause.

The chief minister is hopeful that the centre would delete the clause before Aug 13.