By TCN Team,
First session concludes
Mumbai: Elite of Mumbai joined the annual convention of TCN held at Hotel Taj President, Mumbai on Saturday.
Focussing on the theme-Towards economic empowerment of Indian Muslims (Beyond Sachar), the eminent speakers laid the roadmap for the future of the community.

Setting the tone, chief guest, Chief Economist, National Council of Applied Economic Research (NCAER), Dr Abusaleh Shariff exhorted the Indian Muslims to carve their own path in sync with the country’s development. Shariff who is also a member of Sachar Committee depicted the sorry state of affairs prevalent in the Muslim community. “It is sad that Muslims are not part of the growth which our country is witnessing. They should also take advantage of the country’s multifaceted growth for their upliftment,” he remarked.
CEO, Threshold India, Shahid Syed in his inspiring address boosted the morale of the Muslim community urging them to break the cocoon around them. “Muslims should shed the thought they have to die soon and the guilty feeling towards possessing money. It is good to be rich and one should strive for that. It is better to lend that demand,” he opined.
Shahid’s presentation was marked with inspiring quote with Muslims being the centrestage. “It is true that Almight has bestowed them oil and a hindu majority so that they can progress, it should not be taken as a limitations but used to the hilt,” he remarked.

Another Muslim entrepreneur, Syed Alauddin who is the Vice-President, Multigain Shariah Investment Service, Private Limited also gave a detailed presentation urging the Muslims to be part of the growth by taking advantage of the global business economics. “The apprehension about halal-haram should end. There are alternatives and one can participate in the financial market within Shariah framework. The ulema should come out and support such a cause, the Muslims should do more than the petty self employed business,” he said.
MD and CEO, National Spot Exchange Limited, Anajani Sinha received a warm response as he greeted the audience with a ‘Salam Alaikum’. Dwelling on the opportunities of Islamic investors in commodity market, Sinha gave good examples of investment in coomodity exchange market. The new e-gold and e-silver products were explained by him in detail. “A person can register himself as a client with a memeber of National Spot Exchange by having a demat accounut. He does so by buying online or by contacting the broker. Believe me it is all within the framework of Islamic Shariah,” he remarked clearing the air.
An intriguing question and answer session followed which were aptly answered by the seasoned panel. The first session winded up with the participants reassembling after the tea break.