New Delhi : The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) Friday slammed the ruling United Progressive Alliance (UPA), accusing it of acting undemocratically in the Rajya Sabha and not letting the Lokpal bill get through.
Drawing parallels with the speech of former prime minister Jawaharlal Nehru on the eve on India’s independence, BJP leader Arun Jaitley said: “At the stroke of midnight hour when the world slept India awoke to a fraud being played on its parliamentary democracy.”
The opposition leader said the party’s core committee will meet later Friday to decide its course of action on the events.
He said the government “needed introspection and has lost majority in both houses”.
“They lost it on the constitution amendment bill in Lok Sabha and next day they did the same thing by not letting Lok Sabha vote on the judicial accountability bill. Our policy was consistent on Lokpal, it is their allies who have changed … then why are they blaming us for yesterday’s (Thursday) event,” BJP leader Sushma Swaraj said.
She was reacting to the government blaming the BJP for the Lokpal bill not getting passed in the Rajya Sabha after the debate Thursday night. The house was adjourned sine die at midnight after chaos prevailed.