Manmohan congratulates Nepal’s PM-elect Khanal


New Delhi : Prime Minister Manmohan Singh Friday congratulated Jhala Nath Khanal on his election as the prime minister of Nepal and underlined that he looked forward to working with him to expand bilateral ties and to create security in the region.

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In a letter to Khanal, the prime minister conveyed his “heartiest congratulations” on the latter’s election, noting that his “election to this high office comes at a critical juncture of Nepal’s history”, the external affairs ministry said here.

Manmohan Singh also telephoned Khanal Thursday to felicitate him.

The prime minister offered his best wishes to the prime minister elect to “build upon and consolidate the gains of democracy that have been achieved by the people of Nepal”.

Alluding to the multifaceted bilateral relationship that cut across a wide range of sectors, Manmohan Singh said that India attached the highest importance to its relations with Nepal.

Manmohan Singh wrote that he looked forward to working with Khanal to “carry our partnership forward in a way that benefits both our peoples and enables us to create a more prosperous and secure region”.

“I have always held the belief that the potential for our cooperation is vast. India stands ready to partner Nepal to exploit this potential to its fullest on the basis of equality, mutual respect and mutual benefit,” he wrote.

Khanal, who won a three-cornered election Thursday with the support of the opposition Maoists, is likely to be sworn in Sunday with a mini cabinet.

The 61-year-old former school teacher, who becomes Nepal’s ninth prime minister in nine years, will take oath Sunday after Nepal’s President Ram Baran Yadav returns from his 10-day visit to India Saturday.