New Delhi : A special Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) court here Tuesday asked the agency to wrap up supplying of documents to all the 14 accused in the 2G spectrum scam by Wednesday or face the prospect of a fine.
CBI Special Judge O.P Saini said: “I will impose cost on you (CBI). Complete the process of supplying deficit documents to the defence counsel by tomorrow (Wednesday) and wind up others issues (replies on accused’s applications) within this week.”
“Nothing is happening. Both prosecution and defence counsel are doing nothing. I have been lenient (till now) but would impose cost on further delay,” he said.
The court made the observation after it received a number of applications from all the accused that they were not yet provided with all the important documents, which will help them in arguments during the trial in the case.
Meanwhile, the court also made it clear that arguments on charges in the case can start from July 11.
All the 14 accused in the case are presently lodged in Tihar Jail.