19 child labourers rescued in Delhi


New Delhi : Nineteen child labourers found slaving away in shoe, sticker and bag manufacturing units here were rescued by police with the help of an NGO, it was announced Tuesday.

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“The children were rescued from chappal, purse and sticker units in Anandpur Gaon, Kurala and Madanpur Dabas in northwest Delhi,” the Bachpan Bachao Andolan said.

The children hailed from Bihar and Uttar Pradesh.

“Most of them were trafficked from their villages by middleman. The kids worked for 12-14 hours a day without wages. Some said they had been working without any break since the day they came to Delhi,” a statement from the group said.

Nurul, a nine-year-old rescued from a sticker unit, said: “We used to work from early in the morning until late at night. The temperature used to be so high that at the end of the day I developed painful sores on my hands… There was nothing to wear to protect our hands from the heat.”

Ajay, a 12-year-old, said: “I have been working for seven months but never received any wages. My employer said I am still in the training period.”

The rescued child labourers were produced before the Child Welfare Committee, which ordered that they be sent to Mukti Ashram, a rehabilitation centre.

They will be sent home in a few days after being paid a rehabilitation package of Rs.20,000, the statement said.